Frankie Muniz Racing

the board. Solder pin 1 to the board. 5 Cut about five short pieces of 22-gauge wire, from 1 to 2 inches long. Remove about 1/4 inch of ins ulation from each end. Use a short piece to connect pin 2 of the 741 to pin 6 of the L200. Solder the connection. In a similar way connect a nd solder the negative lead of the 4700-microfarad capacitor to pin 3 of the L200 and pin 4 of the 741. 6 Cut six 5-inch pieces of the wire and strip the insulation from each end. Solder one end of a wire to each solder lug on the two variable resistors. Cut two 12-inch wires, st house model rip the ends and set them aside. 7 Use a short piece of wire to connect the L200's pin 1 to pin 7 of the 741. Solder the connection. Insert one lead of a 1K-ohm resistor near pin 5 of the L200. Put the other lead near pin 2. Insert the end of the wire connected to the 100K-ohm va Frankie Muniz Racing riable resistor's wiper, or center lug, to pin 2. Connect a wire from one of the other lugs also to pin 2. Connect the remaining wire to pin .

r-lug wire and one other wire from the 10K-ohm variable resistor near the 741's pin 3. Place the remaining variable-resistor wire near the L 200's pin 4. Connect the remaining 1K-ohm resistor between pin 4 on both ICs. Solder these connections. 9 Insert the end of one 12-inch wire near the 741's pin 3. Label this wire "V+." Insert the other wire near the 741's pin 4. Label this wire "Ground." Solder these connections. 1 Visit the website MyPokeCard to design and print your own Pokemon ID cards. The website has templates where you can input information and futura font print out a card that looks like a real Pokemon ID card. 2 Choose the creature type and series from a drop-down menu on the main page. Creat ure types include fire, grass, water, lightning, psychic, fighting, colorless, darkness and metal. 3 Enter your invented name for the Pokemo Frankie Muniz Racing n ID card along with the number of hit points the creature has. 4 Upload a picture of your Pokemon character. You can either use a photograp .

rmation into the template. 7 Add any extras, including the weakness, resistance and retreat costs, at the bottom of the template. 8 Right-cl ick and hit save on your complete Pokemon ID card, which appears on the left of the screen. 9 Open the saved card in a word processing progr am and click "Print." 10 Cut out the printed image and glue it onto a real Pokemon card.1 Fold the sheet of paper in half endwise (not lengt hwise). 2 Fold that again in half endwise. 3 Cut off about half a centimeter of the creased corner (at the center of the paper if it were un instagram logo vector folded) with a pair of scissors. Make sure you don't cut the corner that has the open flaps. 4 Unfold the paper all the way and refold it to resemble a folded letter --- in three even sections. 5 Flip the paper so that the hole is face down, and fold it endwise once again, but in Frankie Muniz Racing stead of folding it all the way from one edge to the other, fold it an inch and a half to two inches from the edge of the paper. Fold the ex .

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