Frankie Muniz Racing

e instructions and your drawings for better reference in making either a two-legged or four-legged robot. Attach driving axles to the legs, allowing the computer device to move the legs in sequence. 6 Add a few sensors to the legs and other parts of the robot. Avoid using all the sensors that come in the kit, as you can make more than one robot using one kit, and different sensors will make your computer do different things. Place movement sensors on the robot legs and connect the other end of the sensor cable to the central computer device. Follow your free font design ideas and add light, touch or sound sensors as needed. All sensors are labeled according to their functioning. 7 Complete your robot by making it more aesthetically pleasing. Turn on the computer device and test the robot. This is an initial test, so expect there to be sli Frankie Muniz Racing ght problems. Most of the sensors are already programmed, especially the basic walking function. 8 Program the robots functioning to make it .

9 Test the robot again. Reprogram walking or other functions as needed based on the test. Try moving the sensors up or down in position if you still do not get correct functioning.1 Draw a line in between the two holes so it resembles a division symbol. Drill two 1/8-inch holes, one half inch apart, into the center of a 6-inch by 12-inch, 3/4-inch thick, wood block. Draw a 2-inch line in the center of, but not conne cting, the two holes so that it resembles a division symbol. Drill another set of holes one inch away, parallel to the first set. Draw anoth icon motorcycle er line in the center of the second set of holes. 2 Place the steel rods in a vice and bend one end at a 45-degree angle. Place a 6-inch, 1/ 16-inch thick, steel rod in a table vice and bend the last two inches of one end at a 45-degree angle so it resembles the "less than" symbol Frankie Muniz Racing from math class. Bend the other rod the same way. 3 Wrap the bent end of each rod with electrical tape. Wrap the L-shaped ends of the steel .

Position the two rods so that the bends are 1/2-inch apart. The resulting structure should resemble a rabbit ear antenna on an old televisio n. 5 Wrap the wire around the bent part of the steel rod. Run 14-gauge copper wire through the holes and around the bent ends of the steel r ods to connect the rods to the wood block. Continue wrapping the rods until they are stationary and can stand on the wood block without your assistance. 6 Locate the output post, which resembles a ceramic bell. Find the output posts and the input posts on a 15,000-volt electric t pantone color chart ransformer. The output posts will look like two small ceramic bells and the input posts consist of three small bolts. 7 Solder wires from th e output posts to the steel rods. Solder one end of an insulated copper wire to one of the output posts. Solder the other end to the base -- Frankie Muniz Racing the part attached to the wood block -- of one steel rod. Solder a second insulated copper wire from the other output post to the remaining .

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